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Regular Season

Zharr Blacks - The 13th Tribe

Teams:Zharr BlacksThe 13th Tribe
Races:Chaos DwarfSkaven

Division:Aerel Regular Season
Tournament: Regular Season 5 (girone A)
Round:Round 4
Date played:Tue Apr 30 2013 23:23:12
Match report:Download PDF report

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Game information
Gate  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Sportsmanship points Total team CAS FAME TVs
Zharr Blacks k 10-1 points k
The 13th Tribe k 10-1 points k
Zharr Blacks report
# Name Position MVP Cp Td Int BH SI Ki IR1 D1 IR1 D2 IR2 D1 IR2 D2 IR3 D1 IR3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Haddruk "Spezzamascelle" Minotaur
2 Bak Loregk Chaos Dwarf Blocker
3 Georg Kreen Chaos Dwarf Blocker
4 Dom Hellker Chaos Dwarf Blocker
5 Colt Kristan Chaos Dwarf Blocker
6 Jerik Komveltk Chaos Dwarf Blocker
7 Vicktor Krakk Chaos Dwarf Blocker
8 Tacqu Goroh Bull Centaur
9 Pitt Gringor Bull Centaur
10 Wiskey Hobgoblin
11 Toby il "velocista" Hobgoblin
12 Gorky Hobgoblin
Star Players:
The 13th Tribe report
# Name Position MVP Cp Td Int BH SI Ki IR1 D1 IR1 D2 IR2 D1 IR2 D2 IR3 D1 IR3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 01 Rat Ogre
2 02 Gutter Runner
3 03 Gutter Runner
4 04 Gutter Runner
5 05 Gutter Runner
6 06 Blitzer
7 07 Blitzer
10 10 Lineman
11 11 Lineman
12 12 Lineman
13 13 Thrower
Star Players:
Game summary

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