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Regular Season

Cisly Warriors - The Dirge

Teams:Cisly WarriorsThe Dirge
Races:Chaos ChosenKhemri Tomb Kings

Tournament:PLay Off A XIV
Date played:Sat Feb 29 2020 9:44:00
Match report:Download PDF report

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Gate  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Sportsmanship points Total team CAS FAME TVs
Cisly Warriors k 10-1 points k
The Dirge k 10-1 points k
Cisly Warriors report
# Name Position MVP Cp Td Int BH SI Ki IR1 D1 IR1 D2 IR2 D1 IR2 D2 IR3 D1 IR3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Chaos God Minotaur
2 Khorne Chosen Blocker
3 Nurgle Chosen Blocker
4 Slaanesh Chosen Blocker
5 Tzeentch Chosen Blocker
6 Rosso Beastman Runner
7 Verde Beastman Runner
8 Scegli il colore Beastman Runner
9 Marrone Beastman Runner
10 Giallo Beastman Runner
11 Rosa Beastman Runner
12 Nero Beastman Runner
Star Players:
The Dirge report
# Name Position MVP Cp Td Int BH SI Ki IR1 D1 IR1 D2 IR2 D1 IR2 D2 IR3 D1 IR3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Requiem Tomb Guardian
2 Arpeggio Tomb Guardian
3 Stoccata Tomb Guardian
4 Adagio Tomb Guardian
5 Maestro Anointed Blitzers
6 Virtuoso Anointed Blitzers
7 Mezzo Soprano Anointed Throwers
8 Tenore Anointed Throwers
9 Triangolo Skeleton Linemen
10 Arco Skeleton Linemen
11 Fiato Skeleton Linemen
12 Percussione Skeleton Linemen
13 Theremin Skeleton Linemen
14 Coro Skeleton Linemen
Star Players:
Game summary

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