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Regular Season

Piccole Botti Grandi Botte - La Scuola di Atene

Teams:Piccole Botti Grandi BotteLa Scuola di Atene
Coaches:Manba RionCloud

Tournament:PBBL XI RS
Round:Round 2
Date played:Sat Sep 30 2017 11:29:29
Match report:Download PDF report

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Game information
Gate  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Sportsmanship points Total team CAS FAME TVs
Piccole Botti Grandi Botte k 10-1 points k
La Scuola di Atene k 10-1 points k
Piccole Botti Grandi Botte report
# Name Position MVP Cp Td Int BH SI Ki IR1 D1 IR1 D2 IR2 D1 IR2 D2 IR3 D1 IR3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Hell Dorado Blocker
2 Mercs Blocker
3 Mice & Mystics Blocker
4 Descent Blocker
5 Gears of War Blocker
7 Claustrophobia Blitzer
8 Myth Blitzer
9 Gloomhaven Runner
10 Sword & Sorcery Runner
11 Age of War Troll Slayer
12 7 Wonders Troll Slayer
Star Players:
La Scuola di Atene report
# Name Position MVP Cp Td Int BH SI Ki IR1 D1 IR1 D2 IR2 D1 IR2 D2 IR3 D1 IR3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Aristotele Ogre
2 Platone Blitzer
3 Talete Blitzer
4 Anassagora Blitzer
5 Epicuro Blitzer
6 Pitagora Catcher
7 Novizio1 Lineman
8 Novizio2 Lineman
9 Novizio3 Lineman
10 Novizio4 Lineman
11 Novizio5 Lineman
12 Euclide Thrower
Star Players:
Game summary

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